Our contributing photographer, Henrik Haven was at Aalborg (Denmark) to shoot works in progress at WE AArt – a public art event featuring new murals by Aryz, Alexis Diaz, Escif, Liqen, Interesni Kazki, Jaz, Fintan Magee, Kenor and Don John.
Here’s the first part of his coverage beginning with freshly finished murals by Barcelona artist, Aryz, Escif and Kenor:
About WE AArt
Aalborg deserves, being one of the larger Danish cities, an interesting and not least inspiring urban space. The reality of today is that very little contemporary art enriches Aalborg – or the people living in it. Street art – public art – already exists in Denmark, and can be seen in particularly larger cities. WEAArt is, however, the first festival in Denmark to be focusing entirely on murals.
A space created to surprise, marvel and excite – and susceptible to alternative artistic arenas.
WE AArt is a private initiative.
WE AArt are: Lars Bonde and Mads Mulvad
WE AArt is a project than will run for the next three years.